
The summer of 2023 at Kalana

As the peak of the season has passed in KalanaÄÄR, we are happy to say it was a successful summer.

At the beginning of the summer, we took KalanaÄÄR to a new level. It was time to define our passion and ideas to a realistic strategy, so we can contribute to the growth of the core community, and to make our vision clear, comprehensible, and sustainable for all participants.

Our deliverables in the 2023 season:

  • new website to communicate our vision
  • launch of property development to increase the number of locals
  • continuous focus on our restaurant development and successful recognition
  • cooperation with the new marina
  • numerous events through the season in our lovely restaurant with the local community and visitors.

We measure success in people, moments, and emotions. The new marina with new access for sailors, a restaurant offering delightful tastes, high waves, and guests who are returning to Kalana for the umpteenth time, as well as those lucky ones, who have chosen Kalana as their new home – this is the combination that has made the KalanaÄÄR’s summer of 2023 unforgettable.

Stay connected for new exciting developments in the 2024 season!

KalanaÄÄR © 2023 All rights reserved